Infective endocarditis still occurs in Western countries and so far, it has been an important medical problem. The spectrum of infective endocarditis complications may be extremely wide. We report two unusual cases of infective endocarditis complicated with heart rupture and pericardial effusion. In one case, the infective process spread from the aortic valve developing a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm with subsequent aortic perforation. The perforation reached the right auricular epicardial region with subsequent epicardial rupture and hemopericardium. In the other patient, an infective process of the aortic cusps induced the formation of multiple abscesses in the left ventricle and in the right atrium. An annular abscess of the tricuspid valve was found. From the right atrium, an infected fistula spread through the atrial wall and perforated the epicardial surface of the right auricle. Aside from the rare occurrence of these complications in patients affected with infective endocarditis, these cases are of clinical interest because they raise the problem of the need of greater sensitivity to the diagnosis of endocarditis and proper diagnostic approach.