Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in the burn patient is thought to occur relatively frequently. Most commonly, children with significant burns, particularly involving the head and neck, are affected. Burn related immunosuppression is thought to allow reactivation of latent HSV in most cases, although primary HSV infection has been recognized. Clinical manifestations vary from asymptomatic viral shedding, to prolonged fever with eruption of vesicles, to rare cases of systemic visceral dissemination. Healing partial thickness wounds and donor sites are most prone to infection. Laboratory confirmation of HSV infection relies on direct demonstration of the virus and/or observation of a rise in antibody titer. Treatment of an established HSV infection includes use of IV Acyclovir, meticulous wound care, and efforts to prevent nosocomial spread. The vast majority of cases resolve without sequelae unless complicated by systemic, multiorgan HSV infection.