Adequate dosing of interferon (IFN) and its cost-effectiveness for sustained virological response were evaluated in relation to viral load and subtype. Prospective analysis of IFN therapy on 326 patients with chronic hepatitis C free from cirrhosis was performed using 9 or 6 million unit (MU) of IFN for six months daily and/or three times a week. Sustained virological response was achieved in 50-94% of patients with < or =2 x 10(4) copies/ml (competitive RT-PCR) or <100 x 10(3) copies/ml (Amplicor monitor) of HCV RNA by 468-1206 MU of IFN, but response was only 0-25% of the patients with > or =2 x 10(5.5) copies/ml (competitive RT-PCR) or >200 x 10(3) copies/ml (Amplicor monitor), even with 468-1206 MU of IFN. A high sustained rate was demonstrated in patients with 100-200 x 10(3) copies/ml of HCV RNA by 901-1206 MU of IFN, in comparison to that with < or =900 MU of IFN. Multivariate analysis showed that IFN dose had a significant value for the efficacy of IFN therapy in patients presenting 100-200 x 10(3) copies/ml of HCV RNA. Cost efficacy analysis indicated that it cost approximately $10,000, $26,000, and $50,000-227,000 for one person-viral eradication in the patients with <100, 100-200, and >200 x 10(3) copies/ml, respectively. High-dose IFN is only cost effective in patients with intermediate viral loads, and IFN therapy could be recommended in patients with <200 x 10(3) copies/ml of HCV RNA.