This prospective study compared the prescriptions of biological tests (PBT) for patients admitted to an Emergency medical service (EMS) of a University hospital, according as to whether the staff consisted either of medical residents only (study period P1) or of residents trained in emergency medicine and continuously supervised by a senior specialist (study period P2). During the one-month study periods, a total of 5,948 patients were admitted (2,781 during P1 and 3,167 during P2 respectively). Between P1 and P2 the rate of PBT decreased by 38.8% (P < 0.0001), the mean expenses for PBT per patient by 13.8% (P < 0.0001) and the total expenses by 53.4%. Teaching and training of residents in emergency medicine and supervision by a senior specialist improve the quality of care and decrease health care cost.