Gemcitabine is a deoxycytidine analog with broad antitumor activity. Its main toxicities include myelosuppression, flu-like symptoms, bronchospasms and mild skin rash. We report three cases, in which the patients developed time- and dose-limiting erysipeloid skin reactions confined to areas of impaired lymphatic drainage after application of gemcitabine. Three patients with metastatic tumors (breast cancer, endometrial cancer and non-small cell lung cancer) received weekly infusions of gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2). All patients suffered from lymphedema of different origin and developed an erysipeloid erythema 40-48 h after chemotherapy within their preexisting lymphedema. Genuine erysipela was ruled out by laboratory tests and clinical observation. The skin reaction was repeatedly observed and faded after 14 days without specific treatment. Although the pathogenesis of the observed reaction is unclear, it is suspected that the skin symptoms were caused by gemcitabine or its metabolites. Gemcitabine is usually metabolized fast and excreted renally. In areas with impaired lymphatic drainage pharmakocinetics might be altered: inactivation happens slower and the drug might accumulate in the s.c. and cutaneous tissue, thus increasing local toxicity. Clinical judgement and biochemical parameters can help to tell apart genuine erysipela and the erysipeloid reaction.