Previous studies have shown that 65Zn uptake in the brain expressed relative to plasma 65Zn level is enhanced by histidine infusion into the blood vessel. To study the effect of histidine on zinc uptake in the brain parenchyma via the CSF, the brains of rats injected intracerebroventricularly with 65Zn-His were subjected to autoradiography. Six days after injection, the radioactivity from 65Zn-His was distributed in the major part of the brain parenchyma higher than that from 65ZnCl(2), and relatively concentrated in the hippocampal formation, globus pallidus and hypothalamus. The radioactivity of the aqueduct was also higher in the 65Zn-His group, indicating that CSF clearance of the 65Zn-His group may be lower than that of the 65ZnCl(2) group. These results suggest an enhancement by histidine on zinc uptake in the brain parenchyma via the CSF.