To examine the normal cellular function of tau and its role in pathogenesis, we have created transgenic mice that overexpress a tau transgene derived from a human PAC that contains the coding sequence, intronic regions, and regulatory regions of the human gene. All six isoforms of human tau are represented in the transgenic mouse brain at the mRNA and protein level and the human tau is distributed in neurites and at synapses, but is absent from cell bodies. A comparison between the genomic tau mice and mice that overexpress a tau cDNA transgene shows that overall, the distribution of tau is similar in the two lines, but human tau is located in the somatodendritic compartment of many neurons in the cDNA mice. Tau-immunoreactive axonal swellings were found in the spinal cords of the cDNA mice, which correlated with a hind-limb abnormality, whereas neuropathology was essentially normal in the genomic mice up to 8 months of age.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.