Purpose: To investigate the usefulness of opposed-phase gradient-echo (GRE) technique in detecting occult posttraumatic bone injuries in the knee. Occult injuries account for pain and, if not properly treated, may progress to severe chondral and bone damage. An early diagnosis provided by MRI can help avoid interventional procedures.
Material and methods: We submitted to MRI of the knee 51 patients (32 men and 19 women) with negative plain radiographic findings and at least one traumatic bone injury at MRI. MR examinations were performed with a 0.5 T unit and included a conventional SE or GRE T1-weighted sequence and an opposed phase GRE sequence on the coronal or sagittal plane (2-3 minutes acquisition). To assess the lesion number and conspicuity, images were retrospectively reviewed by two readers. Injury conspicuity was graded as: 0 (poorly visible), 1 (visible), and 2 (well visible). Marrow-to-injury signal intensity ratio was calculated in 30 patients: a ROI was positioned in the site of highest signal intensity and adjacent bone marrow and the ratio analyzed with Student's "t"-test.
Results: In-phase and out-of-phase images showed 71 injuries in 51 patients. Conventional (in-phase) imaging missed 6/71 lesions. Injury conspicuity on out-of-phase images was of grade 2 in 58 cases (81.6%) and of grade 1 in 13 cases (18.3%), versus 23 (32.3%) and 42 (59.1%), respectively, on conventional images. Injury conspicuity was graded as 0 in 6 cases (8.4%) on conventional images. Quantitative analysis of marrow-to-injury signal intensity ratio showed higher values for out-of-phase GRE than conventional images.
Conclusion: Opposed-phase GRE are quick sequences available on all MR systems which appear superior to conventional T1-weighted images in detecting occult injuries in the knee. Injuries are more conspicuous because their signal intensity is lower due to the simultaneous presence of fat and water protons, which is typical of bone trauma, GRE sequences make a useful and rapid complement to T1-/T2-weighted fat saturation acquisitions in the study of the post-traumatic knee.