We report that IL-4 causes a redistribution of B cells and modestly increases B cell life span. Intravenous injection of a long-acting formulation of IL-4 induces increases in both spleen cell number and the percentage of splenic B cells. These effects are observed within 1 day of IL-4 administration and plateau after approximately 3 days if IL-4 treatment is continued. The increase in splenic B cell number is IL-4 dose dependent, CD4+ T cell independent, FcgammaRII/FcgammaRIII independent, and Stat6 independent. Decreases in the number of B cells in the blood and the percentage of mature B cells in the bone marrow, concomitant with the increase in splenic B cell number, suggest that redistribution of circulating B cells to the spleen is partially responsible for IL-4 induction of splenic B cell hyperplasia. Considerable reduction in the effect of 5 days of IL-4 treatment on splenic B cell number when B lymphopoiesis is blocked with anti-IL-7 mAb suggests that generation of new B cells is also involved in IL-4-induced splenic B cell hyperplasia. 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling experiments demonstrate that IL-4 modestly prolongs the life span of newly generated splenic B cells, and experiments that measure B cell HSA (CD24) expression as an indicator of B cell age suggest that IL-4 may also prolong the life span of mature splenic B cells. Thus, IL-4 increases splenic B cell number through two Stat6-independent effects: increased net migration of circulating B cells to the spleen and increased B cell life span. Both effects may promote Ab responses to a systemic Ag challenge.