Polyamines are involved in the development of breast cancer. We assayed polyamines in erythrocytes, urines, and breast tissues (tumor tissue and histologically normal breast tissue close to the tumor) of patients with invasive breast cancer (n = 174) and benign breast disease (n = 71, used as controls). Polyamine levels in red blood cells and urine were similar to the polyamine concentrations found in healthy subjects, and thus cannot be used as diagnostic markers of breast cancer. In cancer tissue, polyamines were significantly increased in comparison with the polyamine concentrations in controls, and were correlated to the tumor aggressiveness as evaluated by histological grade and Ki-67 proliferative index. On the other hand, correlation was found between polyamine levels in the tumor and the status of the hormone receptors. In the mammary tissue close to the cancer, polyamines dramatically decreased in comparison with the polyamine levels of tissue samples removed around the histologically proven benign tumors. The changes of the polyamine concentrations in the histologically normal breast tissue in the vicinity of the cancer could play a role in the cancer development and need further studies, especially if polyamines are considered as a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer.