The present study examined the effects of prenatal morphine exposure on NMDA-dependent seizure susceptibility in the entorhinal cortex (EC), and on activity-dependent synaptic plasticity at Schaffer collateral and perforant path synapses in the hippocampus. During perfusion with Mg(2+)-free ACSF, an enhancement of epileptiform discharges was found in the EC of slices from prenatally morphine-exposed male rats. A submaximal tetanic stimulation (2x50 Hz/1 s) in control slices elicited LTP at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses, but neither LTP nor LTD was evoked at the perforant path-DG synapses. In slices from prenatally morphine-exposed adult male rats, long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission was not observed at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses, while the submaximal tetanus now elicited frank LTD of synaptic EPSPs at perforant path synapses. These data suggest that prenatal morphine exposure enhances the susceptibility of entorhinal cortex to the induction of epileptiform activity, but shifts long-term plasticity of hippocampal synapses in favor of LTD.