Cytochrome c release from mitochondria is central to apoptosis, but the events leading up to it are disputed. The mitochondrial membrane potential has been reported to decrease, increase or remain unchanged during cytochrome c release. We measured mitochondrial membrane potential in Jurkat cells undergoing apoptosis by the uptake of the radiolabelled lipophilic cation TPMP, enabling small changes in potential to be determined. The ATP/ADP ratio, mitochondrial and cell volumes, plasma membrane potential and the mitochondrial membrane potential in permeabilised cells were also measured. Before cytochrome c release the mitochondrial membrane potential increased, followed by a decrease in potential associated with mitochondrial swelling and the release of cytochrome c and DDP-1, an intermembrane space house keeping protein. Mitochondrial swelling and cytochrome c release were both blocked by bongkrekic acid, an inhibitor of the permeability transition. We conclude that during apoptosis mitochondria undergo an initial priming phase associated with hyperpolarisation which leads to an effector phase, during which mitochondria swell and release cytochrome c.