The AIN-76 A, a purified rodent diet, has a propensity to cause kidney calcifications in female rats which is not observed with non-purified rodent diets, suggesting a nutritional factor that avoids these calcifications. One candidate is phytate, which inhibits crystallisation of calcium salts and is practically absent in purified diets. Therefore, the effects on calcification of kidney tissue of phytate addition to the AIN-76 A diet using female Wistar rats were studied. The rats were assigned to three groups: AIN-76 A, AIN-76 A + 1% phytate and standard nonpurified chow. Urinary phytate of the AIN-76 A fed group was undetectable. Urinary phytate of AIN-76 A + 1% phytate and standard fed groups did not differ and was significantly higher than in the AIN-76 A group. The concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in kidneys were greater in the AIN-76 A group than in AIN-76 A + 1% phytate and standard groups. Only rats of the AIN-76 A group displayed mineral deposits at the corticomedullary junction. These findings demonstrated that the absence of phytate in the AIN-76 A diet is one of the causes of renal calcification in female rats.