Breast Cancer (BC) still interest to be discussed, comparison studies from several investigators still in controversial, especially on risk factors of BC, otherwise BC morbidity and mortality were stationary, infact, had a tendency increasing. Epidemiology studies on BC, daily observation for a long period explored that some Indonesian BC cases from different areas were young, plenty of the Indonesian BC cases were admission to hospital in a late stage (TNM III-IV). Western style of life influences on diet, cooking, breast feeding, smoking, etc. Recent studies on bimolecular sciences gave so much hopes on a large scope of human being-non human being, though there were also some threatenings and confusions. On Pathology Molecular, there were so many bimolecular techniques approached to search what was the exactly happening in cellular level of some diseases; so do on carcinogenesis. Searching intracellular abnormalities could be divided into: cellular membrane level, cytoplasmic level, nucleic membrane level, and intranucleus (DNA, RNA) level. Formerly, cytology and histopathology examination had only emphasized the morphological appearances of varied pathological lesions, included Cancer-BC. Recently there were new techniques worldwide well established, well known. Which one we will choose for BC? Benefit?