To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with effects on 'stress' induced alterations of porcine immune functions, a number of immune capacity traits were analysed in the F2 generation of a Wild Boar--Yorkshire intercross. All traits were measured prior, and one day after, exposure to experimental 'stress' (mixing and transport). The 'stress' protocol induced a decrease in numbers of circulating neutrophils and in spontaneous proliferation in vitro, whereas phagocytic capacity, mitogen induced proliferation and spontaneous IL-2 activity increased. The IFN-alpha production tended to decrease, although the individual variation was pronounced. More than 200 genetic markers have been scored in the entire pedigree and were used to trace the inheritance of individual chromosome segments. Wild Boar alleles were on average associated with higher mitogen induced IL-2 activity and a slightly lower decrease in IFN-alpha production after mixing and transport. Four QTLs with significant effects were identified; one influencing 'stress' induced alteration in numbers of neutrophils (chromosome 8), one influencing spontaneous proliferation after 'stress' (chromosome 2), one influencing mitogen induced IL-2 activity after 'stress' (chromosome 6) and one influencing 'stress' induced alterations in mitogen induced IL-2 activity (chromosome 12). In addition, several suggestive QTLs were indicated.