White blood cell and absolute neutrophil counts (WBC, ANC), aminotransferase (AT) levels, methotrexate (MTX) and 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) doses, metabolites in erythrocytes (E-MTX and E-6TGN), and the prognostic significance of these parameters were studied in 58 children receiving MTX/6MP maintenance therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosed from July 1986 to December 1991. At the end of follow-up July 1995, 13 patients had relapsed (pEFS = 0.77). Weighted means of AT, WBC, and ANC during and after maintenance therapy (mAT, mWBCON, mWBCOFF, mANCON, mANCOFF), E-MTX (mE-MTX), and E-6TGN (mE-6TGN) were calculated, as well as the product of mE-MTX and mE-6TGN (mE-MTX*6TGN), as MTX and 6MP probably act synergistically. Beyond higher MTX and 6MP doses to patients with high mWBCON, neither mWBCON, (median 3.5 x 10(9)/L), mANCON, nor mAT was correlated with the dose of MTX and 6MP, mE-MTX, mE-6TGN, or risk of relapse. Patients with mE-MTX*6TGN above or below 828 (nmol/mmol Hb)2 (median value) had pEFS values of 0.84 and 0.70, respectively (P = .16). All 5 patients who relapsed during therapy had mE-MTX*6TGN < 828 (nmol/mmol Hb)2 (P = .03). mWBCOFF and the degree of myelosuppression (= mWBCSHIFT = mWBCOFF - mWBCON; median: 2.5 x 10(9)/L) were related to age (rs = -0.50, P = .001 and rs = -0.40, P = .006, respectively). All eight relapses off therapy occurred in patients with mWBCSHIFT < 2.5 x 10(9)/L (P = .02). WBC levels during MTX/6MP therapy may underestimate the degree of MTX/6MP treatment intensity, especially in order children. Pharmacokinetic monitoring could be useful for optimizing MTX/6MP maintenance therapy.