In order to observe the cytotoxicity of Acanthamoeba spp., which were isolated from contact lens containers as ethiological agents for the probable amoebic keratitis in Korea, the crystal violet staining method and LDH release assay were carried out. In the crystal violet staining method, among eight contact lens container isolates, isolate 3 (Acanthamoeba KA/LS5) showed 83.6% and 81.8% of cytotoxicity, and isolate 7 (Acanthamoeba KA/LS37) showed 28.2% and 25.1% of cytotoxicity, in 1 mg/ml and 0.5 mg/ml lysate treatments, respectively. Acanthamoeba culbertsoni and A. healyi showed 84.0% and 82.8% of cytotoxicity. Similar results were observed in A. castellanii and A. hatchetti which showed 83.6% and 75.5% of cytotoxicity. Acanthamoeba royreba and A. polyphaga showed 9.0% and 1.7% of cytotoxicity. In the LDH release assay, isolate 3 (20.4%) showed higher cytotoxicity than other isolates in 1 mg/ml lysate treatment. The results provide that at least isolate 3 has the cytotoxic effect against CHO cells and seems to be the pathogenic strain.