The French Registry for Plasma Exchange (PE) was set up in 1985. For 13 years it has allowed for the analysis of the techniques used, along with the indications and complications. After a decrease in the number of participating centers due to the heaviness of the data collection mode, the telematic network created in 1991 led to a new increase in participants from 26 in 1990 to 69 in 1998. Follow-up shows a slight fall in activity since some protocols ended, while the neurological pathologies remain the most frequent indicators. The important modifications observed over the years are the increase of the centrifugation technique, the development of plasma treatment, and the plasma substitution by an association of albumin-pentastarch. The French Registry for plasma exchange is the largest data base dealing with therapeutic hemapheresis. The registry set-up through the internet is the first step toward an international data base.