Dyslexia is a common and complex disorder with evidence for a genetic component. Multiple loci (i.e., quantitative-trait loci [QTLs]) are likely to be involved, but the number is unknown. Diagnosis is complicated by the lack of a standard protocol, and many diagnostic measures have been proposed as understanding of the component processes has evolved. One or more genes may, in turn, influence these measures. To date, little work has been done to evaluate the mode of inheritance of individual component-as opposed to composite-phenotypes, beyond family or twin correlation studies that initially demonstrate evidence for a genetic basis of such components. Here we use two approaches to segregation analysis in 102 nuclear families to estimate genetic models for component phenotypes associated with dyslexia: digit span and a nonword-repetition task. Both measures are related to phonological skills, one of the key component processes in dyslexia. We use oligogenic-trait segregation analysis to estimate the number of QTLs contributing to each phenotype, and we use complex segregation analysis to identify the most parsimonious inheritance models. We provide evidence in support of both a major-gene mode of inheritance for the nonword-repetition task, with approximately 2.4 contributing QTLs, and for a genetic basis of digit span, with approximately 1.9 contributing QTLs. Results obtained by reciprocal adjustment of measures suggest that genes contributing to digit span may contribute to the nonword-repetition score but that there are additional QTLs involved in nonword repetition. Our study adds to existing studies of the genetic basis of composite phenotypes related to dyslexia, by providing evidence for major-gene modes of inheritance of these single-measure component phenotypes.