In the passive-avoidance test R-(+)-hyoscyamine (10-100 microg kg(-1) i.p.) prevented amnesia induced by antimuscarinic treatment with AF-64A and benzhexol. The antiamnesic effect of R-(+)-hyoscyamine was comparable to that exerted by the cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine (0.2 mg kg(-1) i.p) and the M(1) selective agonist AF-102B (10 mg kg(-1) i.p.). In the social learning test, R-(+)-hyoscyamine (10-100 microg kg(-1) i.p.) in adults rats, reduced the duration of active exploration of the familiar partner in the second session of the test similar to the nootropic drug piracetam (30 mg kg(-1) i.p.). These results demonstrated the ability of R-(+)-hyoscyamine to modulate memory functions and suggest that R-(+)-hyoscyamine could be useful in the treatment of cognitive deficits.