Central motor conduction times (CMCTs), obtained by means of magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex and spinal roots, were studied in 138 patients affected by diabetes mellitus but with no signs or symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) involvement. CMCTs were significantly increased in diabetic patients (p < 0.001, t-test) with respect to normal controls, with values exceeding upper confidence limits (mean +/- 2.5 SD of controls) in about 30% of patients. There was no correlation between CMCT delay and type of diabetes (insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent), patient age, disease duration, degree of metabolic control compensation, presence or absence of retinopathy or nephropathy, and presence or absence of peripheral or autonomic neuropathy. CNS involvement in diabetes mellitus is discussed. Particular emphasis is given to the sensitivity and reliability of CMCTs obtained by means of magnetic stimulation as a tool in the early diagnosis of CNS functional alterations in diabetes mellitus.