Background: Estramustine in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents has demonstrated synergy in hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Docetaxel has demonstrated antineoplastic activity in a variety of chemotherapeutic-unresponsive tumors. We evaluated the effects of estramustine and docetaxel in preclinical models of prostate cancer.
Methods: Cell viability of PC-3 and MAT-LyLu (MLL) cells were assessed 48 hr after drug treatment. For in vivo studies, each flank of five animals in six groups was injected with 1 x 10(6) MLL cells: control, estramustine, docetaxel (low- and high-dose), and low- and high-dose docetaxel with estramustine. Animals were treated on days 4 and 11, and sacrificed on day 14.
Results: The IC(50) value for docetaxel was 2 nM in the PC-3 cells and 40 nM in the MLL cells. The addition of 100 nM of estramustine did not alter the IC(50) value for PC-3 cells. In the MLL cells, however, the IC(50) value was lowered to 15 nM. In vivo, low-dose docetaxel with estramustine demonstrated antineoplastic activity similar to that of high-dose docetaxel alone, suggesting additive activity between the drugs.
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that when used in combination, docetaxel and estramustine can be more effective at lower dosages than when the individual drugs are used alone.
Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.