All the concepts and principles commonly espoused in plastic surgery are very useful in urologic reconstructive operations too. Hypospadia's repair, neo-bladder reconstruction, microsurgery of the seminal way require as certain rules as an absolute respect for anatomy, sparing of the finest tissue vascularization and tension free sutures. Pedicled skin flaps harvesting and utilisation are techniques typical of plastic surgery but are also largely used in urologic adult and paediatric surgery. They are adopted for urethral, penile and corpora cavernosa reconstruction. Pedicled flaps are utilised for the closure of large skin defect in case of complicated wound or when an urinary fistula is present, especially after radiotherapy. A perfect knowledge of the flap nourishment and of the method of harvesting is crucial if the best results must be obtained. In our work we describe the surgical technique for the utilisation of gracilis muscle and forearm flap. Special care is taken to the anatomical description.