Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of substrate binding (stearoyl-acyl carrier protein, 18:0-ACP) on the diferric centers of Ricinus communis 18:0-ACP Delta(9) desaturase. These studies show that complex formation produces changes in the frequencies of nu(s)(Fe-O-Fe) and nu(as)(Fe-O-Fe) consistent with a decrease in the Fe-O-Fe angle from approximately 123 degrees in the oxo-bridged diferric centers of the as-isolated enzyme to approximately 120 degrees in oxo-bridged diferric centers of the complex. Analysis of the shifts in nu(s)(Fe-O-Fe) and nu(as)(Fe-O-Fe) as a function of 18:0-ACP concentration also suggests that 4e(-)-reduced Delta9D containing two diferrous centers has a higher affinity for 18:0-ACP than resting Delta9D containing two diferric centers. Catalytic turnover of a stoichiometric complex of 18:0-ACP and Delta9D was used to investigate whether an O-atom from O(2) would be incorporated into a bridging position of the resultant mu-oxo-bridged diferric centers during the desaturation reaction. Upon formation of approximately 70% yield of 18:1-ACP product in the presence of (18)O(2), no incorporation of an (18)O atom into the mu-oxo bridge position was detected. The result with 18:0-ACP Delta(9) desaturase differs from that obtained during the tyrosyl radical formation reaction of the diiron enzyme ribonucleotide reductase R2 component, which proceeds with incorporation of an O-atom from O(2) into the mu-oxo bridge of the resting diferric site. The possible implications of these results for the O-O bond cleavage reaction and the nature of intermediates formed during Delta9D catalysis are discussed.