Screening of 10 000 Arabidopsis transgenic lines carrying a gene-trap (GUS) construct has been undertaken to identify markers of seed germination. One of these lines showed GUS activity restricted to the endosperm, at the micropylar end of the germinating seed. The genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA insert was cloned by walking PCR and the insertion was shown to be located 70 bp upstream of a 2285 bp open reading frame (AtEPR1) sharing strong similarities with extensins. The AtEPR1 open reading frame consists of 40 proline-rich repeats and is expressed in both wild-type and mutant lines. The expression of the AtEPR1 gene appears to be under positive control of gibberellic acid, but is not downregulated by abscisic acid during seed germination. No expression was detected in organs other than endosperm during seed germination. The putative role of AtEPR1 is discussed in the light of its specific expression in relation to seed germination.