Cross sections of spallation residues produced in 1A GeV 208Pb on proton reactions

Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Jun 19;84(25):5736-9. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.5736.


Spallation residues produced in 1 GeV per nucleon 208Pb on proton reactions have been studied using the Fragment Separator facility at GSI. Isotopic production cross sections of elements from 61Pm to 82Pb have been measured down to 0.1 mb with a high accuracy. The recoil kinetic energies of the produced fragments were also determined. The obtained cross sections agree with most of the few existing gamma-spectroscopic data. The data are compared with different intranuclear-cascade and evaporation-fission models. Drastic deviations were found for a standard code used in technical applications.