We present the first reported case with typical endoscopic and histological findings from Thailand. An 80-year-old man presented with chronic periumbilical abdominal pain for 3 months and melena for one week. He had had hypertension for 17 years, chronic renal failure for 4 years and gouty arthritis for 3 years. Panendoscopy was done and showed diffusely scattered small black and brown pigmentation over the stomach and duodenum. Tissue biopsies from the black pigmented lesions were taken for further microscopic and histochemical evaluation. Histological finding and special histochemical stains, Fontana stain, revealed mild chronic inflammation with accumulation of hemosiderin pigment in the lamina propria of the stomach and duodenal villi. This condition is called Pseudomelanosis duodeni. The literature of this condition was also reviewed.