Head tremor with an obvious head deviation is the typical clinical picture of tremulous cervical dystonia (TCD), whereas head tremor without any significant head deviation allows for the differential diagnosis of dystonic head tremor (DHT) as well as essential head tremor (EHT). Clinical and polyelectromyographic (poly-EMG) studies have shown a suppression of dystonic muscle activity in patients with TCD performing a maneuver called geste antagonistique. The effect of these trick maneuvers on head tremor has not been investigated in patients with DHT and EHT. We studied the impact of sensory trick maneuvers on head tremor amplitude and frequency clinically by using the tremor subscore of the Tsui scale and by means of computer-based accelerometry in 60 patients with head tremor as their major disorder. Based on clinical data (modified Tsui scale: rating of spontaneous head deviation [rotation + lateroflexion + ante-/retroflexion]), pharmacologic response of tremor (propranolol, primidone, or alcohol), family history (postural hand tremor in first-degree relatives), and poly-EMG findings (reciprocal inhibition in neck muscles during voluntary head rotation), 34 patients were diagnosed as having TCD, 14 were classified as having DHT, and 12 patients were diagnosed as having EHT. Using a clinical rating scale, head tremor amplitudes showed a significant decrease compared with baseline during the performance of sensory trick maneuvers in patients with TCD and DHT, but not in patients with EHT. This clinically observed effect was accompanied by a significant reduction in the mean peak power of the dominant frequency in patients with TCD (decrease by 83%, p = 0.0001) and DHT (decrease by 90%, p = 0.01), but not in patients with EHT (decrease by 6%, p = 0.6). Head tremor frequencies showed no significant changes in relation to the trick maneuvers. We conclude that a significant reduction of head tremor amplitude during a sensory trick maneuver is a useful quantitative criterion to distinguish TCD and DHT from EHT.