The construction of a high quality MR RF-antenna with incorporated EEG electrodes for simultaneous MRI and EEG acquisition is presented. The antenna comprises an active decoupled surface coil for receiving the MR signal and a whole body coil for transmitting the excitation RF pulses. The surface coil offers a high signal-to-noise ratio required for fMRI application and the whole body coil has a good B(1) excitation profile, which enables the application of homogeneous RF pulses. Non-invasive carbon electrodes are used in order to minimise the magnetic susceptibility artefacts that occur upon application of conductive materials. This dedicated set-up is compared to a standard set-up being a linear birdcage coil and commercially available Ag/AgCl electrodes. As the acquired EEG signals are heavily disturbed by the gradient switching, intelligent filtering is applied to obtain a clean EEG signal.