This study explored the potential of using the gene therapy approach, based on adenovirus-mediated expression of pancreatic lipase in the hepatobiliary tract, to increase lipid digestion in the intestinal lumen and promote lipid absorption through the gastrointestinal tract. Recombinant adenovirus containing the human pancreatic lipase cDNA (AdPL) was shown to transduce and mediate pancreatic lipase biosynthesis in rat IEC-6 epithelial cells in vitro. Retrograde infusion of recombinant adenovirus (3 x 10(8) plaque-forming units) containing the bacterial LacZ gene (AdLacZ) into the bile duct of rats resulted in positive X-gal reaction products in the periportal liver cells 7 days after AdLacZ infusion. A high level of human pancreatic lipase was detected in bile after retrograde bile duct infusion of rats with AdPL but not in the bile of animals infused with AdLacZ. Triglyceride hydrolytic activity in the bile of AdPL-infused rats was equivalent to that present in pancreatic juice. In contrast, serum obtained from these animals did not contain any detectable pancreatic lipase activity. These results suggest that ectopic expression of pancreatic enzymes in the hepatobiliary tract may be an alternative therapeutic strategy for treating fat malabsorption due to pancreatic insufficiency.