Purpose: To assess the value of cyclic voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) for the detection of reflux in a large population of children with urinary tract infection.
Materials and methods: 234 patients (67% less than 3 years of age) underwent VCUG with two fillings in 214 cases and three fillings in 139 cases. Appearance or increase in the grade of reflux compared with previous filling was expressed as "modification of the radiology report" (MRR). The amount of contrast material, the duration of fluoroscopy and the number of films were recorded.
Results: The rate of reflux was 18.4% at the first filling, 16% at the second filling with 9.8% MRR and 14.7% at the third filling with 10% MRR. These results were the same for children younger and older than 3 years. For children under three years, if one considered reflux grade higher than 1, the MRR was 9.6% at the second filling and 7.5% at the third while it was 5.8% and 3% for older children. On average, the use of contrast material increased 50% with a third filling, number of films was not modified and the time of fluoroscopy increased by 6 sec per filling.
Conclusion: VCUG is recommended in all children. The detection of reflux higher than grade 1 is more frequent with multiple fillings in children under 3 years. The increase in radiation exposure and cost seems negligible.