Introduction: Kaposi's disease is an angiogenic multifocal cancer process that has several forms, namely Mediterranean, African, HIV-associated, and secondary to a preexisting immunodepressive state (hematological disorder, corticosteroid therapy, immunodepressive treatment). Whatever its form, Kaposi's sarcoma is probably associated with a chronic viral human herpes type 8 infection (HHV8).
Exegesis: This virus has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma (17 cases recorded to date). In the present study, a further case of Kaposi's sarcoma associated with multiple myeloma has been reported. However, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B and C, HIV and HHV8 serologies were negative. Radiotherapy on the lower limbs was initiated.
Conclusion: It is concluded that HHV8 does not appear to play a pathogenic role in cases of multiple myeloma, given the rarity of the association between Kaposi's sarcoma/multiple myeloma/HHV8.