Several groups have studied brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) in non-human primates. However, the nomenclature of the waves elicited and their correspondence with human waves I-V differ among authors. BAEPs were recorded from six anaesthetised young cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), using different sound stimuli parameters. A constant pattern of four main waveforms was present in all the animals with stimulus intensities over 60 dB SPL, although up to four smaller waveforms were observed in some of the individuals. Latency values increased with decreasing stimulus intensities and with increasing repetition rates. These results were similar to the BAEPs observed in other species of macaques. Although an approximate equivalence between human and monkey BAEPs is possible, some discrepancies suggest that there may be generators which contribute to different waves in both species. This is the reason for our proposal of a new nomenclature for BAEP waveforms in monkeys, following a descriptive order with Arabic numerals preceded by the letter M.