Background: The aim of this study was to ascertain the utility of echo-Doppler in the analysis of the low resistance thyroid vascularization in diffuse toxic goiter (DTG), and the effectiveness of Lugol's solution (iodine-iodide solution) in patients undergoing thyroidectomy.
Study design: Twenty-five patients with diffuse toxic goiter were evaluated and compared with 19 normal subjects. Patients were treated with increasing doses of Lugol's solution 2% for 7 days until a total dose of 75 mg of iodine was given. Echo-Doppler was performed on the last day of treatment, 12 hours before operation.
Results: Mean basal Doppler Resistance Index (RI) of intrathyroid arterial flow was significantly lower in patients with DTG compared with normal controls (0.4718 +/- 0.0625 versus 0.55 +/- 0.05, range: 0.472 to 0.643; p = 0.008). Moreover, the RI was significantly increased in patients with DTG after Lugol's solution (+16.46 +/- 10.22%, range: -2.59 to +39.97; p< 0.0005).
Conclusions: Echo-Doppler RI allowed documenting lower arterial resistances within the thyroid gland in patients with DTG. The use of preoperative Lugol's solution therapy induces normalization of those changes for safer thyroidectomy.