Pleural involvement is uncommon in sarcoidosis, observed in less than 5% of cases. We report two cases. Both patients were women. In the first patient, signs of sarcoidosis included pleural, mediastinal node, and multiple joint involvement as well as nasal obstruction, sicca syndrome and subcutaneous nodules. Diagnosis was established on pleural and nasal biopsies. For the second patient, in addition to the pleural involvement, there was interstitial lung disease and cervical, epitrochleal and deep abdominal node enlargement. Diagnosis was established from serial bronchial biopsies, pleural biopsies and peripheral node biopsies. Pleurisy is generally observed in cases with extensive lung involvement with extrathoracic localizations. Blind pleural biopsy is not very sensitive for diagnosis of sarcoidosic pleurisy. Light yellow exsudative fluid with a high lymphocyte count in a patient with a radiological and clinical presentation suggestive of tuberculosis, which must be ruled out, is a characteristic feature.