Mechanisms that protect most high-risk HIV-1 seronegative (HRSN) persons are not well understood. Among hemophiliacs from the Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study who remained HIV-1 seronegative despite a high (94%) risk for acquisition of HIV-1 infection, only 7/43 were homozygous for the protective CCR5 Delta32 polymorphism. Among the remainder, neither CCR5 density nor beta-chemokine production, nor in vitro susceptibility to infection with the HIV-1 isolate JR-FL could distinguish HRSN hemophiliacs from healthy controls. When compared to lymphocytes of healthy controls not at risk for HIV-1 infection, diminished spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation was seen in lymphocytes of HRSN hemophiliacs as well as in lymphocytes of hemophiliacs not at risk for HIV-1 infection. Surprisingly sera/plasmas obtained from high-risk HIV-1 seropositve hemophiliacs prior to seroconversion more often contained alloreactive antibodies than date-matched sera/plasmas obtained from HRSN hemophiliacs. Thus alloreactivity may predispose to acquisition of HIV-1 infection after parenteral exposure.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.