Introduction: This work investigates the possibility of using a pair of diodes on the beam axis in conjunction with a portal imaging detector to estimate in vivo midline dose distributions, without any additional patient information, related to the external body contour.
Materials and methods: In the proposed method, the patient is considered equivalent to a parallelepiped phantom with a thickness z equal to the patient's physical thickness on the field axis with a variable electronic density rho, depending on the water-equivalent thickness. Based on this assumption, if the air gap between portal detector and patient is kept small (within 10-15 cm), the relative exit dose map may be assumed to be equal to the corresponding map measured at the portal detector level by geometrical back projection to the corresponding exit points. The relative exit dose map is then normalized at the on-axis value measured by the exit diode. The entrance dose map is derived by correcting the absolute dose value measured with the diode at the entrance surface by the off-axis ratios. For each pair of entrance and exit doses, the midline dose may be estimated by applying algorithms reported in literature. The method was tested in 6 MV beams using portal film as detector and the Huyskens and Rizzotti algorithms for midline dose estimation. Tests on homogeneous cubic phantoms, homogeneous phantoms with varying thickness symmetrically (simulating head and neck regions) and asymmetrically (simulating abdomen/pelvis region), and a half-sphere phantom with simulating the breast, were performed. Midline doses estimated with the proposed method have been compared with corresponding ones measured by ionisation chamber.
Results and discussion: Results confirm that the proposed method can be used to estimate midplane dose maps within 2-3% for most clinically suitable situations. For homogeneous symmetrical phantoms the agreement between estimated and measured midline doses decreases with the phantom-portal film distance, the field sizes and the thickness. For homogeneous asymmetrical phantoms the percentage deviations are generally within 3%. Discrepancies larger than 3% (up to 5-6%) are found only for "stressed" irradiation geometries which are not linked with any clinical condition.
Conclusions: The obtained results not only show the accuracy of the proposed method but, due to its simplicity, suggest a rapid clinical implementation of this method in relevant clinical situations such as head-neck, breast and abdomen/pelvis irradiation. Previous investigations which confirmed the possibility of using portal detectors for transit dosimetry in inhomogeneous regions suggest the further exploration of the accuracy and the limits of the proposed method in such cases.