The purpose of this study was to quantify the volume and density of cancellous bone available from 3 commonly used bone graft sites in upper extremity surgery: the distal radius, olecranon process, and anterior iliac crest. Sixteen cadavers (age range, 59-98 years) with no prior history of bone harvest or metabolic conditions affecting bone were used. Cancellous graft was obtained using standardized techniques designed to simulate the clinical setting. Packed cancellous bone volume was determined as the volume occupied by the harvested bone after compression packing with a uniform load. Defect volume was determined by measuring the volume of the site from which bone was harvested. The distal radius and olecranon provided similar volumes of packed cancellous bone (2.7 and 2.8 cc, respectively). The anterior iliac crest provided approximately twice this amount (5.3 cc). The packed cancellous bone volume/defect volume ratio was not different between the 3 sites studied. Male gender was associated with a significantly greater amount of packed cancellous bone volume for all sites. We believe the olecranon to be an alternative to the distal radius as a source of bone graft for upper extremity procedures. We suggest using the anterior iliac crest when a large volume of cancellous bone is required.