Evaluative research and the introduction of the Patient Data Management System to support care have increased the need for structured and standardized registration of diagnostic information in Dutch intensive cares (IC). To this end a terminological system to describe diagnoses is needed. A terminological system is a system that denotes terms to concepts in a domain based on specifications of these concepts. During the last two years we have developed DICE (Diagnoses for Intensive Care Evaluation), a terminological system application which includes knowledge about the IC diagnoses domain, such as the anatomical localization, the pathophysiology and the etiology. This paper briefly describes the design of DICE and focus on the preliminary evaluation of DICE. DICE was evaluated on the basis of 126 diagnoses collected. The knowledge modeller as well as the intensivists judged DICE positively. However, there were some points for improvement. The knowledge modeller observed a problem in modelling dependencies between qualifiers of a concept and the intensivists observed some gaps in the knowledge base and were critical about the current interface to compose plural operative procedures.