Recent years have seen the publication of many articles investigating the value of antibodies against inhibin in diagnostic surgical pathology. This review concentrates on the uses of inhibin staining in gynecological pathology. alpha-inhibin is diagnostically the most useful antibody and is a sensitive immunohistochemical marker of most ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors and, as such, is of value in the diagnosis of this heterogeneous group of neoplasms that can be confused morphologically with a wide range of other tumors. Because the antibody is not entirely specific for ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors, it should always be used as part of a larger panel. alpha-inhibin staining may also be of value in confirming late recurrence or metastasis of an ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor, especially a granulosa cell tumor. Sex cord-like elements within uterine tumors resembling ovarian sex cord tumors are also commonly immunoreactive with alpha-inhibin, perhaps indicating true sex cord differentiation. alpha-inhibin staining may also be of value in cytological preparations in confirming a functional cyst and excluding a cyst or cystadenoma of epithelial origin. Syncytiotrophoblastic cells are also immunoreactive, as are most trophoblastic tumors. Thus, positive staining may be of value in confirming an intrauterine gestation or in the diagnosis of a trophoblastic neoplasm. Another gynecological neoplasm that is commonly positive with alpha-inhibin is the so-called female adnexal tumor of probable wolffian origin, and, therefore, the antibody is of no value in the distinction of this neoplasm from a sex cord-stromal tumor, tumors that are often in the differential diagnosis.