Purpose: A procedure for performing intraoperative digital radiography of diagnostic breast specimens directly in the operating suite with teleradiologic assessment by a radiologist is presented. The efficiency of this procedure is compared with that of conventional magnification mammography performed in the radiology department.
Material and methods: Thirty-six specimen radiographs obtained by conventional magnification mammography were compared with 38 intraoperative digital magnification radiographs (DIMA Soft P42 prototype, Feinfocus Inc., Garbsen). The radiographs were assessed for lesion conspicuity and time savings for the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and radiologist.
Results: The new procedure identified all 38 labeled pathological lesions, and the conventional technique likewise had a detection rate of 100% (36/36). The new technique resulted in considerable time savings for the surgeon and the radiologist. The duration of surgery was shorter and the time interval from removal of the specimen to reporting of the results was reduced from about 23 min to about 13 min. A single radiograph was sufficient for complete visualization of the specimen in all cases.
Conclusion: Digital intraoperative specimen radiography considerably reduces the time of surgery depending on the local conditions and is highly accurate in locating a suspicious area within the tissue.