Objective: To compare two techniques of parieto-renal dilatation for percutaneous surgery: Alken dilators and balloon catheter.
Material and methods: This prospective, non-randomized study was conducted between July 1999 and April 2000 in 20 patients undergoing percutaneous renal surgery. 10 patients were dilated with a balloon catheter (NephroMax, Boston Scientific) and the other 10 patients were dilated with Alken metal dilators. Statistical analysis was performed with the Mann-Whitney test.
Result: The dilatation time and x-ray exposure time were shorter during balloon catheter dilatation (statistically significant difference) and the two techniques were associated with a comparable morbidity.
Conclusion: Balloon catheter parieto-renal dilatation significantly decrease dilatation and x-ray exposure times and very considerably simplifies this operative step, essential to the success of percutaneous surgery.