Background: In patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) Interferon-alpha (IFN) treatment for 12-18 months is more effective than 6 months in inducing a sustained virological response.
Methods: In a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial, 88 patients with chronic HCV were enrolled (47 treated with IFN-alpha2b and 41 constituted an untreated control group). Treatment consisted of 5 million units (MU) IFN thrice a week (tiw) for 8 weeks and subsequently 2.5 MU IFN tiw for 16 weeks ('standard treatment'). After week 24 ('long-term treatment'), in virological non-responders treatment was continued using 5 MU IFN tiw for up to week 156, whereas in virological responders IFN was discontinued. In case of a virological relapse, treatment with 5 MU IFN tiw was restarted and continued up to week 156.
Results: Sustained virological response rate was 6/47 (13%) after standard treatment and increased to 19/47 (40%) after long-term treatment (McNemar paired test; P = 0.002). Of the 18 patients with a breakthrough or relapse during or after standard treatment, 14 (78%) became sustained virological responders upon long-term treatment. Of the 4 patients who did not have a sustained virological response after long-term treatment, 3 did not receive complete treatment due to side effects and/or non-compliance. In patients who failed to respond to standard treatment, no virological response was observed during long-term treatment. In the control group, no spontaneous clearance of HCV was observed.
Conclusions: Long-term IFN (re)treatment enhanced the virological sustained response rate significantly and was particularly effective in patients with a breakthrough or relapse following standard treatment.