Objective: To evaluate indexes calculated from standard electrophysiological data in differentiating chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy (CDP).
Methods: Nerve conduction study of upper limbs was investigated in 19 chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) patients, 25 anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein/sulfated glucuronyl paragloboside antibodies (MAG/SGPG) CDP patients, 13 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) patients and 22 controls. Terminal latency index (TLI) was used to compare the wrist-to-thenar muscle segment with the elbow-to-wrist conduction velocity. Modified F ratio (MFR) was used to compare the spinal cord-to-elbow segment latency with that of the wrist-to-thenar muscle segment.
Results: Compared with controls, TLI was decreased in 21 anti-MAG/SGPG CDP patients while MFR was either decreased or was normal. In 16 CIDP patients, MFR was increased while TLI was either normal or increased. In CMT1A both TLI and MFR were in normal ranges. The sensitivity of MFR as a supportive finding in CIDP was found to be 84% and its specificity 89%. The sensitivity of TLI as a mean of diagnosis of anti-MAG/SGPG CDP was found to be 93% and its specificity 90%.
Conclusions: The results of TLI and MFR facilitates distinction between different types of CDP. In CIDP, MFR was significantly higher and TLI showed no change; in the anti-MAG/SGPG CDP, TLI and MFR were significantly lower; in CMT1A, TLI and MFR showed no change in comparison with the controls.