Aim and methods: Contents of glutamate (Glu), asparate (Asp) and expression of prepro-somatostatin mRNA (PPS-mRNA) in rat hypothalamus were measured by using imitated altitude hypoxia rat model, amino acid analyzer and in situ hybridization technique.
Results: After rats were subjected to altitude hypoxia, contents of Glu and Asp in hypothalamus and PPS-mRNA expression in periventricular nucleus (PeVN), paraventricular nucleus (PaVN) and arcuate nucleus (ArcN) were increased significantly. Ketamine, a NMDA receptor antagonist, could decrease the number of PPS-mRNA neurons in rat hypothalamus evoked by altitude hypoxia, but had no effect on Glu and Asp contents evoled by altitude hypoxia.
Conclusion: It is suggested that somatostatin maybe paticipate in altitude hypoxia reaction, Glu can enhance PPS-mRNA expression through NMDA receptor.