Background: Recombinant human G-CSF is widely used to mobilize PBPCs in healthy donors for allogeneic transplantation. There have been concerns about donor safety because of splenic ruptures during G-CSF application. To address this problem, changes in splenic size in 91 healthy donors during G-CSF mobilization of allogeneic PBPCs were investigated.
Study design and methods: For mobilization, G-CSF in a dosage of 7.5 microg per kg per day was administered for 5 days and PBPC collection started Day 5. Splenic size was determined by ultrasound before G-CSF application was started and on the day of the first apheresis.
Results: The mean increase in splenic length was 11 mm (range, 0-28 mm; p<0.0001), whereas a mean increase of 5 mm in width (range, 0-14 mm; p<0.0001) was measured. No major side effects could be observed. There was no significant correlation between the increase in splenic size and the hematologic values, or the age and body-mass index. In a multivariant analysis, no independent risk factor for the development of a spleen enlargement over 19 mm in length and 9 mm in thickness was found in 20 percent of investigated donors.
Conclusion: In this prospective trial, a significant spleen enlargement was observed in healthy donors during G-CSF mobilization of allogeneic PBPCs. Further investigations are needed to define the degree of spleen enlargement with higher G-CSF dosages to improve donor safety.