Two competitive immunoassays, a laboratory assay based on microwell plates and a field test based on the use of polystyrene tubes, have been developed for the quantification of thiram in lettuces. Concerning the laboratory assay, the calibration curve for thiram had a linear range of 11 to 90 ng/mL and a detection limit of 5 ng/mL. Precision of the assay presented coefficient of variation values <9% and the recovery of thiram from lettuce averaged 89% across the range of the immunoassay method using 30 min extraction with water/acetone (50:50, v/v). The tube-based method was developed in order that an extract of lettuce, containing thiram at the MRL (8 ppm), would be found on the linear part of the standard curve. The calibration curve for thiram has a linear range of 100 to 800 ng/mL (1.39 to 11.1 ppm in lettuce) and a detection limit of 40 ng/mL.