Spectroscopic scanning near-field optical microscopy with a free electron laser: CH2 bond imaging in diamond films

J Microsc. 2001 May;202(Pt 2):446-50. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2001.00874.x.


Hydrogen chemistry in thin films and biological systems is one of the most difficult experimental problems in today's science and technology. We successfully tested a novel solution, based on the spectroscopic version of scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). The tunable infrared radiation of the Vanderbilt free electron laser enabled us to reveal clearly hydrogen-decorated grain boundaries on nominally hydrogen-free diamond films. The images were obtained by SNOM detection of reflected 3.5 microm photons, corresponding to the C-H stretch absorption, and reached a lateral resolution of 0.2 microm, well below the lambda/2 (lambda = wavelength) limit of classical microscopy.