Malignant tumor resection of the hepatic caudate lobe has recently received attention. However, there are few reports about metastatic liver tumor in the caudate lobe from colorectal carcinoma, and its clinical features still remain unknown. In this paper, three patients operated on in our institute and 15 reported cases from the published literature were analyzed in order to reveal clinical features of this disease. Many cases had advanced liver tumors, such as invasion in to major vessels at the time of operation. Isolated complete caudate lobectomy was performed in 8 patients and major hepatectomy was carried out in 6 instances. Seven cases also underwent partial resection of the inferior vena cava. Recurrence of disease was observed in 11 patients: seven cases had relapse only in the residual liver, five of whom underwent another hepatectomy. The median survival time of those patients who died was 25 months, and that of seven cases with IVC resection, 18 months. Two patients out of five who received a second hepatectomy survived for longer than 90 months. It is suggested that aggressive surgical treatment including repeated hepatectomy results in the prolongation of survival. Earlier diagnosis and surgical treatment at a more appropriate stage of the disease may further improve the survival rate.