Transgenic mice hemizygously carrying human c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene, Tg-rasH2 show very sensitive and facilitated carcinogenicity to various carcinogens. In this study, activities of certain enzymes related to drug metabolism and energy metabolism were measured in microsome and cytosol fractions of livers of Tg-rasH2 mice and their wild type littermates with both sexes treated with 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) and phenobarbital (PB). Aminopyrine N-demethylase activities increased significantly in livers of all mice treated with PB. MC and PB treatments induced significant increases in activities of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and S-adenosyl homocysteinase compared to those in the non-treated groups in microsome fractions from all mice. In cytosol fractions of livers of all mice, glutathione S-transferase activity was significantly induced in the PB treated groups. There were no significant differences in activities of lactate dehydrogenase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase and glucose 6-phosphatase related to energy metabolism in livers and kidneys among all mice. Tg-rasH2 mice showed stable activities of enzymes related to drug detoxication and energy metabolism similar to those of non-transgenic mice. These results suggest that the human c-Ha-ras transgene may not affect drug metabolism-related enzymes, and the facilitated carcinogenic response in the Tg-rasH2 mouse is not due to these enzymatic disorders.